Thanks to the Metior Department, Isoil Impianti deals with LAT calibration. This testing laboratory is accredited by the Italian Authority “Accredia”, certificate number 108. Calibration can be performed on P.D. meters and proving tanks. www.accredia.it
In addition to calibration at company premises, the Metior laboratory provides a service of not credited calibration on site with own proving tanks and master meters.

The construction conforms to OIML R120 international reccomandation.
LAT certificate upon request.
For further information check the specific documentation.

Master Meter is a dedicated P.D.meter used to calibrate other meters.
These meters are typically used by the petrochemical industry for the calibration of PD meters in truck loading bays, pipeline meters for the transfer of products from refineries to terminal and the calibration of tank truck meters.
Master Meter can be mounted on trolley with all necessary equipment to be connected to other P. D. meters for calibration.
Until now the usual way of proving positive displacement meters is by means of proving tanks
With the Master Meter the calibration operation time is reduced by half using a single operator/calibration engineer to carry out the